Another person from the circa-2008 PPC? OMFG. And he still has the crying Treecko! :D
Missing the whole 1k Reach Beta Code Dump on Bnet's homepage was the worst boner killer I've ever experienced. Knowing that I was madly F5-ing...
It was a T. ****.
The news story's up on The Cutting Edge's home page! Hope you enjoy the delicious punnery. Haha.
So I was all liek lurk lurk lurk and then I saw Sarge's warning and peed a little.
Hey. So I'm featuring Octo-Ocho to the front page of group The Cutting Edge today. You should join the group! Or at the very least,...
Oh hai.
Hey dawg. I saw your invite today but I couldn't accept it because I was in the midst of an IGBL match between TCE and Forever Forgers. Lots of...
Buddha. JB and I miss your Bnet action of lulziness. You should drop some posts like they're hot in The Cutting Edge's off topic thread every now...
Banana Phone.
A to the greed. Though that sounds like I'm condoning avarice, I'm not. I'm merely using the colloquial "straight up g" lingo you chaps seem to...
You should post "Dream On" in the group The Cutting Edge (which you're a member of). It could very well earn you some... "accolades."...
Ya. I liek2BFaves inda mornin and da evenin.
You have to be using Internet Explorer. Then, copy the HTML embed code for a Youtube video and paste it into the "URL" field of the Hyperlink...
Evenball tiem?
That's cool. My friend actually just got accepted to Mines this week, so he'll be there next year. :P I think CU Boulder has a game design minor...
So I saw that you're in Denver, and I also noticed your mentioning of a "class" in the "What the ^$%^$ are you Doing?!" thread in the Pub. Do you...
Ah. So an announcement that Nooks&Crannies has broken the 1000 DL mark would probably be classified as illegal then. Damn. :P I need to build some...
Are necrobumps in the map forum still illegal? Or has that rule changed?