Hence the recent ads, because the company wants to make some ad revenue. I see. It all makes sense now! XD
Hmm. I never knew that. So I take it that Nitrous sold the site to some company then?
Who pays it?
Would you recommend them? I'm thinking of starting a site, so any advice would be helpful. XD
Which web hosting company does FH use?
Ninja Edited to avoid sarge reprimand!
Do you have any idea which web host FH uses?
That's definitely a good one, but I still think 1984's his best work. ;)
Truer words never spoken.
Yo dawg. You should read the thread I posted in the Hub Pub. I nostalgia'd when writing it and you might when reading it.
You should read the thread I posted in da Pub, bub.
Kekeke. :3
DtL! Long time no talk, man! How've you been?
Will do. Thanks for your help! :D
How should I contact him?
Dang. Haha. If you remember, how did you first establish correspondence with Bungie about these things? My Bnet group's gotten really big, so...
Did you ask them, or did they just send them to you without your solicitation?
****. Too slow. Insane, what was the process by which you got your code?
Fix'd. ;D
Twitter refreshing is the bane of my existence. ...but I can't stop.