MOOSE! Thanks for joining The Cutting Edge on Bungie! :D
Team Evenball. I made it. And it is now the bastard child of all horrendously awesome gametypes. 2v2v2v2 is RIDICULOUS with Evenball settings.
I'll do my best, broseph. Since promotions will likely be tied to registration date in some form or other, I might actually end up backdating all...
Absolutely. Working out the details already. :) Domain's picked, structure's determined, ranking system is Nemi-proof (and doesn't strip you of...
We didn't intend to be racist in any way. XD As soon as it was Bungie blogged, we got all kinds of hate mail about our unintentional "racism."...
*cough* *cough* *cough*
I was actually going to take the SAT Subject Tests in Physics and Chemistry last year (because they're required for admission into most Ivy League...
YouTube - Halo: Reach Beta - This is War
It's about damn time you got the thread posted! Ever since its early iterations, I knew that this game had potential and you've all certainly...
This is War - Halo: Reach Beta Screenshot Montage! So I tried to do something most "screenshot montages" don't do - sync up the images with...
My dear friends, I present to you a map that possesses elegance in its simplicity. Hoverdangle is the result of many months' testing and tweaking,...
I lied. It is with immense pride that I present the following video to you folk. After nearly a year of its absence from the Youtubes, it has...
Long time no see! So infraction-wise, are you "going straight" this time? Sorry. Pun totally intended. :D Good to have you back though. This site...
The very first one did. When Bungie removed the bump from the community files forum, we knew we were ****ed (since our name was "The Bump List"),...
Hey, remember how it still exists and is going strong? Yeah, I'm still leading that. :)
So, ummm.... ****ing LOL.
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (3 members and 0 guests) Debo37+, Glasgow, PlugInFiend Also, YouTube - "you forgot...
You would appreciate this: Refresh it again and again for best results.
A'ight. Because I'm seriously considering it.
Suppose I were to make a website. Would you kindly grace it with your presence?