I ran into CHUCK in Rumble. I sent him a friend request. He didn't accept. :'(
Halo 3's Forge community was "better" for many reasons, and I'd argue not just one in particular. Reason 1: As Schnitzel mentioned, there was a...
Thanks man, I appreciate it! Also as an FYI, I've found a bunch of people from waaay back in the day running a new Halo site at halocustoms.com....
I would highly advise reading Joel McDonald's Competitive Map Design Guide as a starting point in your endeavors. It touches on most of the major...
ENTJ Extravert(33%) iNtuitive(100%) Thinking(38%) Judging(56%) You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%) You...
You, sir, are a grade A ****wit. <3 Also, go to TCE. Post and ****, I don't give a **** about what. You're gonna have to fill out new stuff when...
So I noticed the other day that my site has a marked lack of over the top sarcasm and hilarity. So I thought, "I wonder if I can put a buddhacrane...
Oh, and wishes.
GIEF ME MINECRAFT SERVER IP PLOCKS. I would enjoy thine company immensely.
So uhhh... from what I gather, there be a FH Minecraft server. I so totally want in. I "caved" the other day and bought the beta. I had tried my...
I honestly can't believe I used the word 'tage in a formal context. My life has reached a whole new low. Anyhow, what follows is a Youtube...
Well hello there, folks. About a month ago I put together this little ditty. Tell me what you think about it! YouTube - Halo: Reach Screenshot...
Happy birthday to you too man! Also, I'm totally digging the Crash Bandicoot profile pic you have going on. One of my favorite platforming series...
I must say, it has a very impressive coloration and clarity to it. Definitely a cool shot style-wise, but it doesn't exactly have a clear focus to...
I built a full-fledged symmetrical, competitive map outside of Tempest within the first few days of its release, only to find the invisible...
Best of luck to you with your mission! You contributed an immeasurable amount to the Forge community, and hence your hard work was certainly not...
Pwallie, you've done it again. This is probably the best urban map I've yet seen in Reach. You most certainly have some serious competition, so...
TCE got a massive makeover. Look at it.