I very much enjoyed our playtest we had on this map last night. I think the color scheme is interesting, and the whole "ice cave" thing you have...
Just wait til you see what Felipe dos and I have been working on. The dude has been working on probably the coolest aesthetic piece I've ever seen. ;)
Thanks! Definitely let me know what you and your party members who test it think. I also added you and checked out your most recent version of...
After seeing that demo I'm imagining a map with a big central turnstile like that, which you can move during the game (whether via spartan...
Your "no true Scotsman" notwithstanding, he's actually innovated quite a bit in doing these remakes. First and most obviously, he's brought...
Some of you may not have heard, but currently there is this mild-mannered Swedish dude by the name of WyvernZu who is remaking Halo 3's Sandtrap...
Hi all, In the spirit of getting to know the new Forge, I've been working on a relatively small map to test the new stuff the tool has to offer....
Movement scripting via repeating scripts on an object seems really buggy. I thought it would be really interesting to make a map with what are...
I think all of us have kind of popped in and out over the years since 3/early Reach, desperately hoping that Halo (and Forge) under 343's...
@GodlyPerfection good luck with running and organizing all of this. I'd better be able to play H5 Conquest within a week of Forge being out. ;)
Love seeing old names around, especially ones I recognize. I dunno if you remember Agamer93 (also one of the early Loyals, now goes by Roobinsky),...
What in the sam hell is your Gamertag now? Slash do you play Halo 5 at all?
Yo dawg do you play Halo 5 at all? Buncha old 4chubbers have been playing together a lot recently and we're looking to swell our ranks. Shoot me...
So when can we play some Halo 5 together?
So on the subject of missing people, there's one dude in particular who stands out to me. SargeantSarcasm. I looked up his profile and a couple...
If only Destiny had Forge, or even just customs ffs. It was a fun night for sure though man, we'll have to play some more when House of Wolves drops.
Thanks for the PSN acceptance man, good to hear from you. Any of the other old 4chubbers have PSN accounts they play Destiny on a lot?
I rate your post 0/5, not because it needs moar interlox but because it isn't rotated at a 45-degree angle and thus doesn't jive with your...
Love Glove 4. Nevr 4get.
Miss ya too Furry, hope you're doing good as well. I'm mostly playing Destiny on PS4 - PSN tag is D-bo37 if you perchance switched ecosystems as...