I'm in. I'd like to submit my map "Nowhere" and play 4v4 Team Slayer. It can probably handle up to 6v6 Team Slayer just fine as well if the party...
Sweet man, I'll be there next time. And odds are high I won't be sorrowfully drinking because of the Avalanche getting massacred.
I'm going to try to have a playable version of Nowhere ready before your stream, even though I won't be there. I'll let you know if I get it to...
My goal here is to make a Lockout-style map that doesn't suck. [IMG]
You're both yam farmers in my heart.
Friendship points are a prestigious currency that have value because I say they do (much like most currencies in the world financial system...
Yep, Sarge and LIGHTSOUT both passed away, the former in his sleep and the latter from cancer. Sad days for the whole Forge community. I really...
Is Halo 5 playable from Aus at all with the whole dedicated server thing? If it's even remotely so, we should get a customs lobby together...
Remember that time you made a full-on cave map and everyone lost their ****ing minds? I remember. Those times were great times. Let's have more of...
Because I'm a terrible person apparently. Fixed! Sheet is editable so if you see any other indiscretions or want to add more people, feel free to...
Alright y'all. I know I'm not the only one who nostalgia'd extra hard when I came back to Halo for H5, and ForgeHub once Forge was released. The...
@Chronmeister can you switch me to a backup/alternate? Have to do some driving in rush hour traffic and might be an hour or so late.
Two words, when yelled loudly enough through a previously silent headset channel, should be enough to dissuade your purchase: "Xbox, OFF"
Man, Rally Point was my favorite ODST FF map. Lots of great memories playing co-op on it. Definitely looking forward to playing this one when it's...
Dibs on a spot, would love to give my early massout version of Hogwash a proper 4v4 playtest. GT is Debo37.
Get in the shoutbox bruh, needs moar old school 4chubbers. I can't hold down the fort alone
Man, I remember the original version of this map. Good to see something familiar in the midst of all these remakes of map designs I've never heard...
I've played a bit of H5 with @Agamer and Norlinsky, and I ran into @CHUCK, @Epic Tusk, and @QKT in PS4 Destiny about a year ago which was...
Would love to join in and help out tonight but unfortunately I'll be driving down to the 'rents house for Christmas. I added a fair few of you...
Post this on the Halo subreddit. They will go apeshit and you will get lots of fake internet points for your hard work.