UHhuu! Awesome, I was waiting for that. WE need to finish the Temple, anyway, what we can do in more extreme cases is put it on FS and I can...
Yeah, quite now, Ill change the concept a lot until the launch date, but I just forget to specify more about the idea. It is supposed to be the...
Here's my little sketch for H4. as well, my first map on it gonna be a BTB one. [img]
There are more tricks on this map than it actually shows in the few/wispy images. But for notice that, the only way is playing more than 2 times...
2th one for sure.
Hey Man, I would be proud to sustain the master list of GTs to the 4 as my soul remains on. In the last 2 year I've been getting experience in...
Dont get worried man, It is all fine, I'm just hoping for a proper time to do this, like getting the proper direction. I'm quite disapointed with...
Perfect, I'll make the map title today by the night, so you can still write up the preview and put up the image in the top for tomorrow. :)
Thanks bra, Shopping Skills ma', shopping skillz...
Hahahah! Ohh, Man, no problem bro. :P heh, awesome, Thanks. <3 P.S: Google Translator helped me a lot some times. Ahaeh 당신을 사랑 해요! Lolz
Yeah, where'd ya graduate from?! :o
Welcome to Forge Hub.
Ehaha, yeah, I was definetly a little cryptic for some reason. :P Anyway, your correction can be what it was intended to be, actualy I was never...
No, I dont said that. It is all about points of view, the game can still be a deception, or a surprise. Actually who create that feeling is all...
So, I really dont like judging anything from images or words, at least I didnt actually played the overall game yet. This is a perspective that I...
Okey dokey, I'll try to be on there. :P
ah, very labor. :l A proposal at this level requires a way major premium than a feature/CT/Avatar... Anyway, I'm really looking for what people...
Engineer is awesome, Giant mech feelings Wetwork is interesting and feels really cool on the overall design. Recruit seens to be a mix of the...
:happy: <3
Sure bro, I can provide you some graphic/render Banners, just specify how you want it to looks like, and for what it gonna be used in...