Sueing people for ridiculous reasons is just wrong and especially if you win money or stuff from it. I once heard a story of a woman trying to...
Looks nicely interlocked and smooth, really like the waterfall. I'll DL and get back to you.
Cubicum Battle Box all i got for now good luck finding a name for your map
looks very fun qued
hello this looks very nice - one thing, the link on bungie doesn't work for the mini chess board
lol @ you Ontopic: looks nice but you should try to interlock a little but still a neat remake Loved this map on the 64 too
LoLoLoLoL nice one
looks nice ill download and do you got a fastest lap time`that i can beat?
Found an even easier way to get out of foundry. Place A dubble box in a vertical position and set the Place at start to NO. Then restart the round...
Ok this map may be very cool but can someone post a link to a video or something?
This is nice but I'd like to have a save function or some way to save the image you have created. Still a nice idea !
I like number nine the most mostly due to the colors and the spikes is just wicked
Besides the openable doors i would like to see glas that could be broken same thing with walls also i would like the ability to De-spawn items...
Gamertag: Fornozo Times you can get on: Almost whenever tho my timezone is GMT +1 Mic yes/no?: OFC i got one :) Something describing yourself:...
i voted Y because that would be a kick ass 3 team slayer map
Looks incredible cant w8 to play this tho i don't think my friends will like it :/
This is a incredible discovery. Surprisingly i think i understood it all :squirrel_rocking::squirrel_jaffa:
i can honestly say that i think this game sucks and i cant belive how my friend plays it instead of playing fotball with me ! i were 64 combat...
As the topic tells i wounder if eny one here will buy it and what you hope to come in it? Yes i will buy this game and i hope that there is a...
i am supprised this map is featured now since i had this map for quite a while now this is a great map made by a great forger :)