Ok thanks for the ideas if i use one of them ill name you in the credits.
looks fun ill test it
i will renew mine as fast as i can because i need the space for maps,vids and pics.
well that was not how i meant but thanks for the link that map will be usefull someday. wait untill i get some pics up and you will see what i...
Hello fellow forgers i have a little bit of a problem and that problem is that i can't seem to get a good idea of what to do between 2 bases on...
Ok downloaded and played it now and based on gameplay im gonna have to give this a 2/5. Looks good dosn't play good
After watching that film i think that anyone will believe that we are not alone in the universe. I did even before watching it but not i got a...
I've tried to make a map on avalanche with this "gametype". Don't. To small. Nice to see that someone else also got this idea.
looks nice ill give it a DL since i am desperate for small maps to beat my brother on. Also 4player FFA works?
no offence but i think the map needs a little more than a few boxes in the middle of the map , 2 symetrical bases and 2 snipertowers. It seems...
I say porn is fine on the internet. But i do not think that you should be able to watch porn on your TV on the "regular" channels. I don't know to...
I was a bit disapointed when i downloaded this map and played it after all the good feedback it have gotten. I don't know what disapointed me but...
looks nice i won't DL tho since i don't like MLG maps to much but i would like to join your forge team
thanks for the feedback. Any one think that i should make a V2?
strangeday : its not to hard just place a box at one side of the things you want to interlock and it will be straight. evan12075 : I have heard...
i watched all the videos and they are quite fun but there is only one place i really use and it is the on near the invis on guardian. But i hardly...
In reply to : The Official Y35 :When i tested this map whoever got the mauler didn't go down to the shield doors but stayed up and waited for the...
thank you for the feedback and if i make a V2 on this map i will put the mancannons more visible. And madkill27 i do not think that this map will...
Fight Pit Created by Fornozo Supported Gametypes: Slayer,Oddball,King Of The Hill Map Description This map is a One-On-One map build for Assault...
In my opinion i do not believe that video game make kids more violent in most cases BUT i do believe that there might be a connection in some...