Yeah, he's pretty good
The former; not so much but the latter; **** yeah! Plus The Fighter.
Just another reason Christian Bale is my favourite actor.
I was pleasantly surprised by Predators. I had a lot of fun watching it. It's one of those movies you watch with a group of friends and bet on...
mmaaaaaaayyybbeee. I'll have a dig for it.
but how could he?
Guys, guys, it's Australia Day!
Snatch rocked the ****. Best movie I've watched in a while.
Just watched Snatch
I'm Linu
Wasn't necessarily a good night, was a good day but... One of our good friends is moving to another state on Tuesday, so we were at the pub...
actually had one hell of a night.
Wait, he was actually serious?? Sweet zombie jesus, that's pitiful.
Australian Capital Territory?
35 what?
Haven't I said enough?
That Iron Tisk guy is pretty cool
He's still Wade Wilson. Not Deadpool; he's not cancer-insane yet. And it's Wolverine's movie, Deadpool can't overshadow the main character.