What's an Ira Glass?
I can live with the finale. It was a sufficient replacement to the abandoned and overrun estates they encounter in the comics. That feeling of...
That's sweet dude, you don't even need a gym on a door or anything! But try topping being able to rewatch and re-enjoy stuff like The Walking...
Yeah, dude. It rocks, I can experience stuff for the first so many times over.
I totally listened to it and stuff. It was all, like, entertaining.
My middle is actually George. At least I can live with my scurvy with sufficient entertainment. As long as I have my SeaGate FreeAgent Theater+™...
I'm seriously considering going to Los Angeles this August.
You're trickery won't work on me. As long as I have my lime cordial
I am not John
The period at the end of your comment makes it seem so much more serious than mine. .
Past couple weeks, I caught up on the past few volumes of Deadpool. And I also finished Crisis on Infinite Earths last week. My god, is it...
harble garble
Chris Rock is one of them funny ones
I'm not a fan of charcoal. ****'s messy as hell.
Propane and Propane Accessories.
I absolutely love the art style in Green Lantern over the past few years. But after a while the stories kind of blend together and they get a bit...
Fair enough. I'm pretty sure he was one of the first black superheroes in comics too.
I thought you'd bring that up. John Stewart was brought into the series instead of Hal Jordan so that they'd have more diversity with their...
John Stewart isn't the original Green Lantern. Hal Jordan is.