Nah, really I don't even watch anime that much. For some reason though when Durarara!! was on Adult Swim I watched it and I was like woah this is...
The God of Grunge, King of the Shitposters
That picture is not niggardly.
shitpost and lelbox
There was a weekly awhile back called Like Mike where you needed 30 kills. I had 29 kills and my team was up 49-25, so I betray my teammate, then...
My fav. Anime is Durarara!! am I patrician yet?
That's very niggardly of you linu
. wat
>please respond
Stop being so niggardly
Brandon Edge - Afroguy - YouTube IO'm gonna ****in' knife ye
just make sure that scouse git Michael Cera isn't in it
I hope that glorious Captain Park helps us to 11th place finish
Moshi spiderman desu!
I love you man
And I'm most obliged to you for making it clear
the old account can't access the shoutbox, and I also can't edit my avvy on there.
I play too. Goalkeeper, myself. Well, from what I've played in the demo so far, the AI is a lot better.