Thanks guys. The Gold/green spartan is directly from the H3 Reveal Trailer with a clipping mask removing the background so it was harder with him...
Took me all day. Whatjathink?? [IMG]
Sorry its low qaulity, I though i put at least 3 bars in there lol
I've been designing a house for about 3 weeks now. Its been though many alliterations and I think this is near final. Haven't got an actual 3D...
Seen this before. Was it this site but you removed the logo?
Well I think the colours are fine. They're supposed to look chalky and dulled down. Bland would be if they are the same shades and boring. This...
I think that text is awesome, got some real nice texture on it :) If I was gunna inprove this sig, I would get rid of the jagidy edges on the...
I thinks its very good, though some of it looks like you've taken a bit of the same image and changed the colour and moved it a bit, which isn't...
On holiday for a week so won't be online for a while. Bye!
Yes sharpen, but then its gunna stand out even more. After sharpening it you do need to blur the egdes nicely. That would definatly improve it....
Its good but overcontrasted and too dark. All the different bits are interesting to look at but it is way too hard to see.
Wow wee! Really nice, its sooo shiny! I would also like this tutorial if you can spare it :)
i think it looks very nice. I think Donii means its too pink not purple lol. One little thing, there is a black spot to the right of the hair....
I do agree with you about the top half of your essay. Its really annoying how everyone thinks that private chat doesn't exsist now. I'm currently...
I don't think they will keep Natal, it isn't very consumer friendly if you know what i mean. It doesn't tell you anything about the camera and if...
Just curious, wonder what the real name for project Natal will be? Anyone got any ideas? They already have the Xbox Vision and the PS3 Eye they...
I stopped playing after i got Heroic maps and the free one. I don't lke multiplayer much and all the money i would have spent on maps could have...
Excellent point you found, Fastforward.
Sounds more like Spy Kids 3D than Matrix lol
So if the Big 3 (M, S and N) are all trying to get their peice of the pie in motion control, do you think all next-gen consoles will be bassed on...