Nah, I've got a class in a bit, sorry. I haven't had much time for anything online at all recently. There's better things to do while I'm here,...
So, West Ham's landed Andy Carroll for a season. Liverpool's ****ed. They don't have the ability to play short football since Carroll won't be...
pretty ****ing sweet so far. So much fun dude
You can't upload anything to your fileshare without gold.
Funny, I wasn't as worried about them dropping points to Reading as I would've been in a similar situation last season. For some reason I just...
I played soccer all throughout high school, just not for my school. Why do you ask?
You have friends? But yeah, I move into my dorm on Saturday so I doubt I'll be on much after that... much better things to be doing.
You play Halo this afternoon?
are you gonna cry? Hush little darling, don't say a word
Really glad I caught that game. The first half was some great back-and-forth action. United was lucky not to go down to two Osman goals before...
Ah, sorry to hear that. I went ahead and contributed the same amount to new one though
I'm becoming obsessed with this band Fleet Foxes Anyone who's anyone - YouTube Your Protector- Fleet Foxes - YouTube
Also Gotye 'Eyes Wide Open' Yeasayer Remix by universalrepublic on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
You should totally upload the new Yeasayer album to WW when you get a chance K? Thanks kiddo ;)
OH MY GOSH! I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!!!! I think you need to add me back on XBL noob
-____- I said oooh girl
I did move the receiver to the other end of the platform, so hopefully that alleviates any issue there. Has anyone gotten a game with the new...