I'm conducting my party a bit differently for the sake of helping maps gain notice and helpful comments so I'll just clarify some of the rules....
I'm a writer. In terms of creative content, I tend to do better when working with visual effects (such as machinima, movies, etc) but that hasn't...
I'm currently writing a massive guide (well more of a theory) on infection maps in general and what is expected of them to be good (balance,...
Forgot to put this here... I'm currently working on a halo comic and in order to make my work down the road more efficient, I've been leveling an...
I'm in graphic arts at school (dont really care about it tbh) and I have a project I need to turn in... but I'm strapped for ideas... this is...
So, I wrote this about a week and a half ago specifically for the Infinity Ward forums. An IW Dev was tracking it for updates, but it got deleted...
Now, clearly you guys are aware that I'm conducting my party a bit differently for the sake of helping maps gain notice and helpful comments so...
Sandbox...its been heartily degraded due to its lack of movable objects (ironic since we wanted more of their counterparts from the move to the...
I was fortunate enough to get the mythic maps early, and since I have, I figured it was only fair to answer any questions the community may have...
In case you guys don't know it, today, the day after Thanksgiving (colloquially known as Black Friday) marks the official beginning of the US...
Enter your mailbag submissions for discussion topics on Forgecast #5 here.
For many years, I've tried very hard to learn as much as I can about the world around me and the people that inhabit it. Usually, this information...
Seeing as how everyone and their old decrepit disillusioned overbearing mothers seem to be writing guides ever since Devinish made it the new...
I've really just relied on text for my sigs...but ye know...there are alotta creative people in the community and I was wondering what they could...
Map Created by TrueDarkFusion & SargeantSarcasm 10 Players is Recommended When the peasant society neglected to pay taxes to King Minos of...
ya that got you here... now whats this map about? Ok as mentioned above, this map is based off an old school game (often alluded to in GTA)...
Can anyone please, for the love of all that is holy in the world, make me a logo called "Brain in a Box" or "Brain in a Box Productions" doesnt...
I grew up listening to R&B and Motown and figured that theres gotta be a few fans here... I found these vids today and wanted to cry... they're so...
I am king of the universe :P The one and only mod-with-no-powers Ruler of the Shout Box User of Blue Font Official Humourist ummmm I think thats...
Ok. I know the concept of the "impenetrable fortress" has been done to death, especially on Last Resort, but mine is very different. Instead of...