Really impressive that so many features have returned and/or been built upon. This could easily take me away from the main game just like Reach's...
I do feel like Reach was the strongest due to the sheer scope of what was offered for all things multiplayer and forging. It's a shame people...
The controls for 360 are pretty awful now; I don't know why they can't just let people choose their own layout.
It would be very cheap by now, and if you still can't afford that, you'll have to lower your standards for quality considerably.
I'm going to assume you have a 360 if you're on a website for the Halo series, so you should play Lost Odyssey.
I assume you mean something like a choose your own text adventure? I don't see why not as long as it follows the general forum rules.
I think Dominion is one of H4's strong points, so I wouldn't mind seeing it remain consistently playable. Would have been nice if more people...
Go for the latter. Higher res displays aren't yet the "standard", and they will carry a higher price tag until they are. Buzz words like 3D and 4k...
You're attempting to make an argument by consensus, which is a common fallacy. Your claim isn't valid just because it's popular. It is irrelevant....
Missed the point. The number of people that agree with you is irrelevant. That's all there is to it. I made no such claim about right or wrong,...
A lot of people used to think the earth was flat, too, but I'm not going to accept quantity of opinion as a valid argument. And yes, communities...
like dis if u like evry time
Well your point boils down to "I think it's annoying", which is a personal problem. The benefit to gameplay was to mitigate the offensive boosts...
The fact that someone using AL can't move means you should be getting an easy kill. Although I was effective using it, I rarely encountered...
Hardlight shield is also worthless. I could appreciate that AL would reward patience, and considering most people don't have that, it's not hard...
It's small online because it's small on the game. Consolidating groups has already happened to a limited extent, but if the original pool of...
Did you actually read your own article? That article is nearly a year old, too; I would argue that you should be looking for at least 3 GB VRAM...
That card isn't much of an upgrade. At least make sure it's the 2GB variety.
lol, I'm saying download it instead of buying it. I've even got a safe one ready to go if he didn't already have one.
I did read them, you still told him to buy it originally along with the person from the other comp thread. To be clear, I'm not saying don't use...