My feathered friend Pete started something we called the Forgecast a few months ago. We only did a few episodes, and none of us were super...
"Limited Edition Bundle Edition" Seems legit. You probably don't know me, but I remember drooling over some of your creations back in the Halo...
"We have... round objects." TM
Terrain items pull textures from a global texture map. On Glacier and Alpine, this map matches the textures on the natural terrain already on the...
We have no information about how file sharing will work in Halo 5. On the dev builds we used, we could modify a single trajectory spline by...
Modifying lift trajectories is very handy. I do not believe there was a thrust control in the builds we used, but one could certainly be added...
To clarify a few things about grouping and welding. A group of objects functions as a single object in forge and is subject to all of the same...
Combining the color and glossiness options will allow you to create items which fit visual themes such as Covenant, Forerunner, metal, concrete,...
To be clear, we cannot disclose any information which 343 did not reveal themselves. However, we are able to clarify on anything that they have...
There is definitely a need for basic tutorials. Having resources to explain the basics with new forgers is certainly important. In H4 and H2A,...
RLD? He hasn't been a part of the channel for a good two years or so. He ditched back in H4 when things started to get rough. He was recently...
This looks really cool. I could see this being pretty good for hill. The unique style of map geometry will make for some very interesting gameplay.
This Friday, the day prior to the submission deadline, Shoe and I will each be hosting a testing lobby. Shoe's lobby will focus on maps which...
Lobby #6 Fractal by Res: Fractal is a solid multi flag map. The long lines of sight and vertical nature of the map create interesting infantry...
The next official testing lobby will be held this Friday.
As always, the next official testing lobby will be posted on HaloCustoms. It will be held some time this weekend.
Last night's lobby was probably the most stable one we've had, and was certainly the most fun for me. More and more maps are entering stages...
Look, I don't hold grudges. I don't take offense. I don't allow my impression of people based on their actions affect my impression of the maps...
Lobby #4 ________________________________________________________________ It's been a pleasure to see several maps continue to evolve and improve...