Darn. I guess you used HTML to do the hover-image?
Can mods use HTML in their sig?
HOLY ****ING ****! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I vaguely remember watching this all the time as a young child, and I could never recall what...
Here is mine! -#12 -Form: Casual -Gameplay: A pyramid would be built right above the entrance to the crypt, and players must make their way...
Thanks! =P
****.. That was amazing!
In your sig, what's the color BBcode you used for gray? =)
You see, believing in a 'creator' isn't quite that difficult, even for rational and logical thinkers. However, believing in an omniscient,...
Who the hell texts with their arm all the way to the side of their body at shoulder level? No one.. Now, who texts with their phone close to the...
When people play crappy music through their headset. I mean, at least have the decency to chose a good song, amirite?
Night sexy pants. Oh.. I am way more 'Youtube' than you.. View my YouTube page... Over 12,000 videos watched. DAYUM! =)
Good diss. I hope you didn't come up with that off the top of your head, or I'm going to have to congratulate with all of my congratulatory power.
Half Baked! 'Nuff said..
I do actually. However, I'm not really a big fan of the wide border on the side. Also, could you move the text 'Heroes' off of his face? THANK...
I personally like Blockout way better than Blackout. I say go for it! You never know, if you spice it up a bit, it could be better than the...
My top ten favorite video games of all time. 10. Silent Hill - The first video game was the best. It was immensely scary and had a twisted...
I'm voting for Enigine. I must say, I'm a fan of ODST screenshots, but this one just catches my eye. =)
Take your time man.. =P
Why thank you! I didn't think anyone would take this request. =)
Found it. [spoiler]