ImageShack.. Plus, HaloScreenshots doesn't show up in Google Reader! How disappointing!
working, get on shoutbox
Physics my friend. Physics...
Or 4.55 billion years. I'm sure early Christian were that bad at calculating time and performing mathematics.
I want to see fire-breathing dragons in the story-mode as well as in multiplayer. I'm sick of the typical air-strike or helicopter. WaW did...
Updates with quotes. Oh, and God wants to kill all homosexuals as well. Leviticus 20:13 "'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both...
God also believes that all disobedient children should be killed. This also goes for women who have lost their virginity before marriage and to...
Am I the only one who was expecting to see a collection of 300 signatures he's created?
Yes. I shall. =)
I bet she's good in bed. That's all that matters.
Hey buddy... When do you want to get to work on our TOP SECRET PROJECT?
You can visit my old thread on Cleaning up your Custom Content. I hope that helps! =)
You like my double ninja in the bubble shield eh? (@4:03) That was fun.. =)
You get to work on this, and I'll start on Romeo and Juliet. =)
228... Dem.
Why do people with no personal affiliation to anyone on this site compain about what they do? (excluding women)
1: How much time are you fixed in front of a screen (in hours, multiply by 50)? 500 2: How much money all your xbox 360's games worth? 200 3:...
well gray members can't.. Posting Rules You may post new threads You may post replies You may not post...
Why do anything?
I was going to make one using the spoiler image in my sig, that when you hover over it, the "button" turns orange. lulz.. oh well.. =)