Why must we constantly bring up the "Prove God does/doens't exist!" statements? It completely goes against everything this debate was created for....
I read it all, and you being an atheist, I want to share some of my knowledge that could possibly enlighten your spirits about death. No, I'm not...
I love you Roche. My opponent was a no-show anyway. Just out of curiosity, if my opponent was the 'random selection', and he failed to show up for...
lol nice im drunk like... well.. who else is drunk! lol
Yah! I hate those kids! They're.. they're.. they're.. ****, I'm guilty.
Although I ****ing love you to death Time Glitch, that was pretty damn insulting to those who worship a god. I'm pretty much atheist but have...
I'm gettin' off here. Tell Paul I said hey. Goodnight! =)
I'm sure you two would make some beautiful children though. Just as long as they have Paulie's sexy accent. Not all from NY have it that sexy. =]
Paulie is a Gimp. =]
Hey Katie, whenever I come to New York, you and Paulie are going to show me a good time right? Paulie's already volunteered to help me get...
Well, I know if you position an object correctly, it'll be invisible at a certain view. Such as a "double-box open" in the sky of Avalanche, a...
Mass Effect 2 - From my experiences with the first one, I can tell you that from the beginning of the game to the end, I was hooked. The gameplay...
Was she hot? =) /pun
Ohai! I'm sure you know me. It's Jimbo! =)
I've always wanted to see this movie, but whenever it's on TV, I miss it. I saw parts of it, and the concept just really got me interested.
My bellybutton. Serious.
Your idea isn't that great. If anything, it should be a perk that allows you to use it 2/3 times in game.
..and a can of grape soda.
Bryan Simon has been back, for quite a while actually. He just never announced it, so you're late.