I'll definitely be checking out today! Finally I'm getting my hands on this gametype as well :)
I know these things. And I'm trying to work on it. I too am socially awkward at times even though I recognize my talents and know that I'm a nice...
I'm exactly that type of guy, too. I guess you could call me one of the "nice guys". Girls don't fall for nice guys though, they want someone...
My crush rejected me today and stated the painful words that she "just wanted to stay friends". :(
EDIT: Just learned 0micron's map didn't make it for some reason...
Yep, I already knew all of this. :) The final maps was made by The 0micron and it was (originally) called A Feast For Crows. Really glad with this...
New frustration: Not being able to swear on ForgeHub.
It was already there when you asked. :P
Bro, believe me... girls couldn't care less about looks as long as you're a fun pal to talk to and most of all: as long as you're laid back and...
Congrats on joining staff!
Congrats on joining da staff, buddy :)
Elliot, you must be drunk... it's the voting thread. ಠ_ಠ
I'll have to discuss the options with my fellow staff members, but I'll get back to you whenever we have something. :)
I was wondering the same thing as Juanez Sanchez, but then concerning BIOC. ;) (Bloodthirst: Infection Only Customs)
You could do soooo much fun stuff with this.
This is definitely one of my favourite maps in Halo 4. Everything just looks so clean. I admire your usage of the blocks, especially the walls....
Same for me, bro! Today I had this important resit, so I studied all day, and I'm talking THE. WHOLE. ****ING. DAY. To make sure I was going to...
Yeah I'm guessing the map isn't actually done yet, considering the fact it is indeed clearly inspired by Ivory Tower / Reflection. Oh well, next...
Is this really meant for 4v4? It looks extremely small.