Oh, sorry, I forgot about them, I will later though, I am working on a map at m friends house.
Okay, I will try tomorraw, I going to sleep, just PM me tomorraw so I can remember.
^Thanks a lot. ^.^
Okay, I am editing now! =]
I don;t wont him noticeable. He wants to be like that, and I may make V2 with a little darker colors-.
Rate my new weird lightening sig plzz/. V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] It still may bee a little too brite though.
Code : [IMG]
Okay, I will try, give me a min.
It dosen't matter, if you don't, then I'll use it. lolz.
Could possibly work? [IMG] Code : [IMG]
All of them.....
^Okay, sorry haxor broke it, here is....[IMG] Code : [IMG]http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd358/MLG_Ninja/Slipknot-1.png[/IMG ] Just delete...
If you like it, here is the code...[IMG]
I finished it. =][IMG]
Do you want it to say friction in it?
Cool, I can make one, just give me a sec, then I'll PM you...
Awsome, I love most of these songs. Now I think I will get this game. Well, maybee after I see my friend play it...Thanks for Dis, I guess.
Why not post all of the maps in one thread? If its on map pack....Anyway, this map looks very good, though somewhat sloppy in a few areas. 4.8/5....
I don't think soo, but I could be wronng. Search Google or Yahoo lolz. =P