I wonder if we are going to be able to use the Promethean Sword.. If you watch the most recent Vidoc, at 4:40 Cheif uses one to assassinate a...
if you pause the Vidoc at 1:16 you can see that it only looks like narrows.. its not a remake
i want the remake to be containment.. but made out of forge pieces, so that it can double as one of the forge worlds, a snowy one at that.
well, its still a skull.. its just blue and fiery and inside a metal case
Listen to what he says at 0:12... "this is a small portion of the forge map, there is a big world outside." So, it is on one of their forge...
I'm calling Bullshit, I don't beleive that one characteristic of a gametype that you probably won't even play that much will stop you from buying...
That doesn't seem physically possible - YouTube lolz
I use AA's all the time, and some of them require holding.. having that on a button just takes away from your movement. Plus reload/action was on...
me too, but i wish they would switch sprint and reload
ask The panel if we can/why we cant make our own controller layout.. if you make it to the Q&A session
Do any of you guys know if all of the controller layouts have been shown? I just saw what the Recon layout is and, to me, that seems most...
Ask if they can release a forge Vidoc ****ing soon... of all 3 environments
Dont play gametypes that allow something that you don't like, Problem Solved.
Thats the worst part of coli walls... but thats one of the reasons they made magnets
I am glad the jet pack is returning.. but i hope they arent serious with letting a shotty be a secondary at the start
Can't tell if genuinly excited... or sarcasm.. (futurama Fry)
I just remade one of my maps for the 3rd time... but i dont have xbox live, so i'll show you in 2 weeks when i get paid
the map looks like it has a great desgin, but The picture (top mid as you call it) looks like a great idea, but poorly executed... it looks a...