not quite sure what a remix contest has to do with the Limited edition.. but good for you i guess.. I got limited edition for the cheaper map...
So i was just watching the old RTX halo 4 forge Horse demo. at the end of the match between jack and geoff, jack has to fly into the floating RTX....
'Nuff said lol
cmon forge news!!! please be a vidoc that shows all 3 environments and pallets... and blows my ****ing mind.
someone on Halo council said that we might get forge news tomorrow... hoping its true. "plus we're getting some Forge news this wednesday I think."
good god.. you guys are rediculous.. this isn't an essay contest.. for the sake of lazy people and those that can't read keep your posts to like...
i dont think what you referring to is what 343 considers a colisseum. i think that is just part of the map. maybe this grifball arena is built...
You never know.. this could be a part of Ravine, that we just haven't seen.. (lolz rhyming). Also, when they showed that grifball map, the...
Here is how it is related. Oaxaca is a state in Mexico, New Mexico is named after Mexico, Thor Landed in New Mexico, Thor is from Asgard, in...
I dont know why.. but i disagree with almost everything you say..
ya, wtf?... i want to be able to forge on all of the maps.. maybe not as large of a pallet as the forge worlds.. but atleast something that can...
AND a forge Vidoc (PLEASE 343 SHOW US ALREADY!!!!)
thanks. i stand corrected.
"Carta - letter; document; charter; epistle; map; card; playing card; menu" thats what i was going off of.. my apologies for not being bilingual...
Lolz on lolz on lolz. this guy gets it. 1st. if Frankie said it has nothing to do with Mexico, then i admit defeat. but I dont recall seeing...
Just wondering.. what clues have lead us to beleive its Longshore?... The resaurant La Carte De Oaxica is a mexican restaurant, yes they do serve...
has anyone found any new forge info?
New Vehicle is called the Mantis.. looks like the cyclops thing in the map adrift. "Master Chief will become even more powerful by taking...
I wish they would bring back allllllllll of the weapons.. but had tiers.. Alpha Weapons would be the normal weapons that they want in the game....
New gametype Dominion looks pretty sweet. Its like territoies, but your bases fortify the longer you hold them. Turrets pop up after a while and...