yes i will remember!
i wont give you credit...for making thread lulz ill remember lets make folder of reminder!
Maybe later i still need to take pics dun worrys i know how to embed pics ;)
Spam on drunk driving i had 2 tabs on threads i was reading and i posted there when i thought i was posting on the other one :3
i can haz hug?
is is a big job being mod?
make the map thread or i will!
Fux i got an infraction :3
WTF a month no!! i hugz ur kitten thing!
Give us some thing like profile music it gets boring without sound!:P
Well is whats his name on? *hug*
Please stop eating my brain its half eaten!
Ok use those clowns wisely ill stop being creepy!
Happy B-day!
No your not are mads at me.
What yah up to?
Y thanx!
◔ ◔ ╔═╗ ║▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ╚═╝ Hes pissed at you run!