WTF hax BNet is not working right nao.:'(
Y hello there good sir!
Ok Here
Dude this map looks so awesome it looks good nice,good,clean interlocking and geomerging!5/5 + DL!
O if yah whant to see map pics search images and type "KingLS2" it will say are u looking for the member KingLS2?Click on the link "KingLS2" view...
yup its actually wierd being in thats group.Im currently about to make 1st map thread i hope pics show up i do have them on my photobucket acount.
hundred you say?
ToochieHxC is really a girl but shes in it.
Maybe next time see a person with gurl pictures group if there in a group called "Super cute girls NOT." there actually a boy! or its something...
Am i right of not being in ur vids?Or have you not decided?
lulz ima boy yah no that!
it was random so yeah no hard feelings?
sorry i was online so nao that yah no whats up and yes i love teh forge!
admin what o and ima boy lulz just to clear that up.
Who?I can haz kill them?
thanx ill - rep yah every time i can :)
tell someone to + rep meh?
yes i do lulz!
y not talk to me?
so whats up?