Honestly guys...who gives a **** about this? Just quit arguing
Err. not really. Actually, you can make calls on iPT2G if you buy a microphone, many come with earbuds. That's without jailbreaking. With...
I agree, win. I still use frostwire, but for music only
Never had a problem with likewire or frostwire. I'm on a mac however
Ah I see nemi. I think apple is waiting to see how the palm pre does before releasing copy and paste to smite them. Or apple might take them...
ahh, the ever popular **************.com
I still like soiled plants. Anyway, release it onto FH so we can laugh listen to it. edit: no strike through :[
Soiled Plants
I'm a contract killer. Tell you anymore, and I'd have to kill you.
Suddenly, I want to be a vegetarian.
None of that is legit. A jailbreak is possible but it has not been released. The iphone dev-team (blog.iphone-dev.org) has found an exploit, as...
So...what does it do exactly?
Gross. Very gross. PETA goinn to be on his ass. Then again his punishsment was pretty much already handed out
handbrake overrides copyright protection on DVDs and puts them as a format playable by a computer (or in this case ipod). Toast doesnt do that I...
if that doesn't work, just use Movie Pod (google it)
The producers pretty much pick the winner IMO. The vote totals are made up.
LOL, I looked down at your sig, clicked on it, read one article, and then realized why you said that. This is amazingly easy, thanks Reyn.
Unfortunately the bengals
that last message should of ended with a LOL
At first glance, I thought that was going to show the neural situation of Ben Roethlisberger's thrice concussed head.