Wow. That's all I have to say. Sad.
3.0 is great, but the jailbroken apps won't be completely updated for 3.0 for another few weeks. I would prefer to be on gold 'ole 2.2.1 currently.
For the iPod touch 2G, there seems to be pretty many problems, like no iTunes store and winterboard not even working. I'll wait, thank you.
So the jailbreak is out...except for the device I happen to be using. Sweet.
Yeah, I read that. One of the dev team members posted over on ipodtouchfans that they're going to try and release the jailbreak without YouTube....
I'm on 3.0, but many of my apps were in folders via categories, so they don't show up now. So I'm sitting here waiting for the jailbreak to get...
Thanks, I was talking about the iPod Touch 2G, but I think they will be all at the same time anyway. If the dev team releases it, it will be...
The restore mode is home and power button for 10 seconds, then the home button only for 7 seconds. I just upgraded to 3.0 on my touch, but the...
The increased battery life doesn't do anything, in fact if you have an old nokia phone it will decrese batter life but increase call quality....
Update/redownload iTunes sarge.
jailbreaking doesn't break your warranty, unless you're an idiot and go into the Apple Store and tell them your name, address, and home phone...
Don't be a douche, and be a nice guy, and even if you aren't the coolest guy at least everyone won't view you as a douche. Douchiness is the most...
AP World on thursday and braces off tomorrow and no 7th bell. License next Wednesday. Life is on the upswing.
Jack <3's Jessica
As for the multi-verse theory, I suggest reading Timeline my Michael Crichton. It explains the theory fairly well and provides and explanation. As...
Who says it will ever end? I would rather think that it's a cycle, and that as the universe begins to decay (the big crunch theory if you wish),...
aMoeba, please leave the thread if you're going to insult others and make up things and claim they don't need to be backed up. BattyMan,...
TXghost that is an awesome wallpaper. Link please?
Interesting fact, marijuanna was initially illegal because of hemp farmers who saw it as competition (obviously meaning the non-drug hemp). Then...
There's already a thread in the debate section that's 10+ pages long, so this thread is irrelevant.