We have more than two, but only two are actually able to have a candidate that can legitimately run for president with a chance of winning. You...
If the RIAA is "fighting" for you, then you aren't losing any money and don't need any more. I'm sure others will provide a better response then...
It's unconstitutional because the RIAA has enough money to pay Congress to say so.
not really. Feds Support $1.92 Million RIAA File Sharing Verdict | Threat Level | Wired.com That just pisses me off.
Debo, what do you mean by a "true democracy"? Do you mean a direct democracy? I'm struggling with the practicalities of one, at least in the...
Downloading now, so I hope it's good.
I'm from Cincinnati, and I'll take some skyline over that...monstrosity. [IMG]
The Mayans are long gone, there aren't any living "princes".
Dented_drum, what do you propose we do with people that sit at home? We can't just let them die, but obviously we don't want them to sit around...
13 or 15 inch MBP is the correct way to go. Not sure about the configurations, but getting the cheaper 13in and jacking up the RAM.
Heroes will take quite a while to watch but it's a great show. 30 Rock is short and funny. You can't go wrong with either.
"mercanarys"...they kill people. My house is big enough, and it's already paid off, so I would just buy a few nice cars and electronics and...
If you don't already watch them...30 Rock: Season 1 and 2 and Heroes: Season 1-3
I'll intervene on aMoeba and Sid's argument. I promise it won't take me long. You can't blame religion for violence. Blame HUMAN NATURE....
Exactly why I didn't want a complete welfare state...or Obama. I feel like an old man when I say today's people are lazy and they just want to...
So what do you suggest, YOU decide what's right and wrong for them? I didn't see the other thread, but I guess it would of been a necro anyway.
Shedo, Having the best form of government doesn't guarantee that you will lead/dominate the rest of the world. How powerful your country is has...
When I read the thread title I imagined 2 condoms sitting on the top of your laptop.
So you mean to tell me that societies that developed for several millenia thousands of miles away from each other are supposed to develop EXACTLY...
Maybe Dumbledore created the pensieve (like he created the Deluminator) and no one else knows of it, so therefore it was not suggested and...