Dude! In H2 this was the ultimate SWAT map! I can't wait to get into a match and tear some people up!!! "KILOMANJARO" Style!!! XD
Thanks for the feedback guys! Quote: Originally Posted by EleanorRoos [IMG] A problem I can see right off the bat is I'm getting a little...
I just gave your map a walk-through (I haven't had a chance to play on it), and I really appreciate some of your creativity. The unique use of the...
Haha, thanks Redy, when building the map the aesthetics were definitely a key focal point. In my oppinion aesthetics give a map body, and help to...
Thanks for the suggestion! I worked long and hard on this map. When you give it a play through, let me know if you have any more suggestions as...
Wow, I love your orginality! The vertical component of this map was a big surprise to me when I tested out this map! It was very creative and...
This map has some solid ideas and concepts behind it and parts of the map work really well...however, much of the map feels constricted and...
After a quick playthrough on Solace, I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it! At first glance I was quick to make the assumption that most of...
Stunning map my friend! This is definitely one of the better maps that I've seen on Forgehub (which is saying something, cause I've seen a fair...
I downloaded and play tested this map last night, and I gotta say I was thouroughly impressed...The atmosphere of your map draws the player in,...
Resonance- *Resonance has been removed from my file share in order to make room for new content. Just comment or send me a message if you'd...
I've definitely thought of moving the map to a more "eyecatching" location...it's just a question of how much time I want to further invest in the...
Ya man, I don't claim to be the original creator of Atom, I simply "edited" it (as you put it) to improve it...
Atomicity is more or less an updated version of the map Atom. Whenever I played on Atom, I couldn't help but feel that the gameplay would be more...