Cornucopia is the first map I've created to support the ShootMania gametype. ShootMania (for those who don't already know) is an upcoming...
I don't know why no one has commented on this yet! It looks awesome! I really like what you did aesthetically with the Natural objects and the...
Hey Promethean Zz, welcome to ForgeHub. Posting images in a thread is fairly straight forward. Simply take/save screenshots of your map and upload...
Hey man, just saw your remake! I love what I see! Haha, I don't have as much time for Forging as I used to either. I still love it and try to make...
Hey buddy! Haha, before I read any of your description of the map, I looked at the pictures and thought "This looks just like the map he created...
I like what I see from the pictures; however, the map seems pretty complex and it may be helpful to post an overview image of the map to give...
Hey kimjongillwill, welcome to ForgeHub! I love the creativity you've demonstrated in this map; however, in my opinion, I believe your map would...
Wow! Three maps at once PAINTS!? Way to dominate the competition through shear numbers! ;) Of the three maps this is by far my favorite. It's...
Another well designed map PAINTS! My only thought for improvement is about the aesthetic appeal of the map. Because of the dynamic lighting,...
I'm most interested to see what pieces have been added to the pallet! I've been saying since Halo 3 that 343 (Bungie back then) should update...
I REALLY like the look and feel of this map! Haha, aesthetically this map feels like "futuristic Aztec ruins" (if that even makes sense)! You've...
Another great looking 2v2 map! I'll have to give it a Download to get a closer look, but from the pictures it looks like it will be a great...
I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on this map! The layout seems complex, yet you've managed to forge it very cleanly! I can't say much...
Thanks man. Listening to feedback from the community seems like a no-brainer to me. Getting additional input on how to improve your map is a vital...
The aesthetics look really nice...but with SOO many pieces in such a confined space, what's the frame-rate like in-game?
Thanks for the feedback mna, I went ahead and updated the flooring of the lower level to be more visually pleasing like you suggested. New pics...
Haha what? I only posted one map! Maybe you saw that I commented on a few other maps and thought that I created them. I've posted lots of maps in...
Wow, this map looks really cleanly forged! I love the urban aesthetic theme you've got going! I'll give it a Download and let you know my thoughts...
I had the chance to play test each of these last night! Each one is an impressive creation! Of the three Cache is definitely my favorite. Your...
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