Thanks man. I played it a good amount too during the open Beta. Very fun game! Let me know what you think once you (if you) download and play it!
Thanks for the feedback SpinCycle014, I've been here on ForgeHub for quite some time. I posted several maps in Halo: Reach; however, I don't get...
Thanks A R C A S I U S, I've put a lot of time into this map (Hopefully it shows) trying to create a map that is both simple in layout/design, yet...
Hey man, after giving the map a few play tests/walk-thrus I gotta say that I really enjoy the layout of the map. Very original design! My only...
Cornucopia is the first map I've created to support the ShootMania gametype. ShootMania (for those who don't already know) is a competitive FPS PC...
.Synthesis Synthesis has been posted! [IMG] Thanks to everyone who helped test and gave feedback!
Hey Reconatior! Welcome to Forgehub! From the images you posted it seems you have a good start on a BTB map. I can definitely see your...
Solid looking BTB map Paints! I love the foreunner style architectural design! I'm always impressed by the sheer number of quality maps you manage...
Considering this is one of your first posts on ForgeHub, this map is pretty impressive. It looks very nicely forged and well thought out! Nice...
I'm extremely impressed! Haha, you forged this remake so cleanly that you make it look easy! I've seen a lot of attempts at recreated Guardian,...
Wow, this map looks pretty sick! The way you used the ramps to create the oval shaped structures is super sexy! I'll give it a DL so I can check...
Hey MikeyGeordie, Welcome to Forgehub! Considering that both you and JakTheLad93 are relatively new to forging, this map is pretty good. I think...
I agree with Narfidy444 as far as the map being too open. I can see a lot of players getting frustrated because of the lack of cover around the...
Same as your other Grifball map...looks great (and I can't wait to play on here with some friends), but this post probably belongs in the "Halo 4...
Map looks awesome! Grifball is a blast to play, and I can't wait to get some games on this!!! That said, I think this post would be better fit...
Wow! Very impressive remake! It seems you've done a great job recreating the layout of the map while preserving the aesthetics/atmosphere that...
Great looking map Psycho Duck! I definitely remember playing some games on Port Authority, and if this is anywhere as good it should be a great...
Simplicity is sometimes the best approach to map making, and I think you've done a great job a creating and designing a simple yet elegant map! I...
It looks like you've done a really good job recreating one of the Halo Greats! I haven't downloaded the map, so I can't give a detailed opinion of...
I can't see your image either. The best way to get pictures into your post is to upload and save them on to another website (ex: Photobucket). I...