I would be in NH, but there's a huge storm up here, so we're going to stay home until it passes.
Mace, could I start an Anime Wallpaper thread in our group? I thought it would be cool if there was a database of wallpapers for members to use,...
What can open an .rar file? I waited 20 minutes last night for this to download, only to see that there was, "No program that could open the file."
Welcome to Forge Hub, but this post isn't up to standards. Embed screenshots are required, as well as a short description of the map and the...
This is looking really good. I always did like the concept of basketball game-types, but this one really seems to stand out. Like, seriously. It...
I personally like one the best. It's better than two because of the text.
My thoughts exactly. Excellent writeup, excellent map. 'gratz on the new rank, Buddha. Well deserved.
Congrats on the feature!
If you go under "File," there's a little button that says, "Transfer Purchases from iPod." That should be the way to do it. I'm not sure if the...
Don't let the forum hang on its cross for too long. People will smell it from miles away.
You were quoted on the Bungie Blog, FYI.
Oh well, happy belated birthday, then. You're welcome.
I still need to download Prismer... I'm so lazy. Please, feel free (as in do) invite me if you need people for tests. I'll be happy to come.
If you've still got a testing list, this should technically be posted in the Tester's Guild or Forge Discussion. That aside, the structures look...
Bon voyage, Debate Forum. We won't miss most of you. At least, I won't. I did start a decently popular debate, but the information got past my...
OMGWTFGUARDIAN -nocaps- Just kidding, congrats on the new digs.
The sig itself is alright, but that's Carter, not Noble Six. You used some sort of effect that blurred Carter too much IMO, and you should change...
Lawl, hentai.
Did you create a Haruhi-ism social group at some point?