Super agreed.
Fine. inb4everyone... else.
inb4everyone! Bwahaha. And, to Sarge, I have noticed that sometimes, when I try to get to the most recent page of the PPC, it takes a few...
Lucky! I was going to go to Anime Boston, but last minute complications made the plan flop. Hot pics and Nagato-related souvenirs are welcome,...
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT! New season of K-ON was released! OMGWTFMOEMOEKYUN. (in other words, I'm super excited. Sadly, the episode is only...
Yeah, same goes with the iPhone and th iPad. [IMG]
Basically, from my understanding, the Repeater is more like the human Assault Rifle than the Plasma Rifle ever was. The Launcher is the primary...
I didn't know you were a Vocaloid guy, Frag. I'll say to start (from a personal perspective) that it's easily 100 times better than anything...
Okay, okay. Enough with the arguing. When I said that the zombies would "be unable to see the humans," I meant that the humans would not have...
Hi, welcome to Forge Hub! It's in the rules that you're required to imbed your screenshots into your map, which can be done by using this:...
The only thing that I can think of off the top of my head (that also fits your budget) is this. This, to let you know, is the Alienware M11x, an...
Now, even without playing it, my biggest concern is that although it's a very cool map with an original location, that last picture seems to...
Just to clear up the confusion: Zombies will be faster than humans in order to be able to navigate the terrain more easily, but they will also be...
Welcome!... Sort of. Well, even though you've been here awhile, just have fun, and just remember to check out the rules if you forgot them. :D
Well, if you choose to release a map for the game type, at least let me make the game type first. Since it was my idea, I'd like to be the one to...
The part in bold is the one I don't quite understand. So, say, if I wanted only two to spawn per round, then I set it the runtime minimum to 2?
I've been thinking of how to put a different spin on Infection lately. This is what I came up with. Humans are survivors of some sort of...
I instantly thought about the guitar company when I saw your name, lol. I'm just a music nerd. Welcome to the Hub! Just be sure to read the...