So... for in-game armor, the Legendary edition gets you a flaming helmet for a Spartan and the ol' Councillor permutation for the Elites? As for...
Say, Insane, what's the advantage of buying a gaming headset?
I'm kind of analyzing the new ViDoc, and lookie what I haz finded! [IMG] RACING GAMETYPE!!!!!!!!111!!!ONE!
Besides the Debate section, none that I know of. Unless it was a joke/sarcasm, in which case I wouldn't understand it.
Holy ****, those look awesome. What exactly are the advantages of getting huge headsets, though?
[IMG] I believe you were looking for this?
O hai thar.
So, shall we carry through with our plans tomorrow?
Yeah, that's why I said it works both ways. Although I really don't like to do homework, I like keeping up with it. Being sick and unable to focus...
Methinks it's cool.
Arghablearghableargh. I am sick, unable to do homework (which works both ways), and nobody is texting me. I also want Borderlands for its sheer...
[IMG] Machine Gun Turret is back, and is also portable. Nobody seems to have noticed this, so I'll just quietly post it here.
Ya rly. 1199 get!
Incase lightning struck, I was afraid that my cat (who goes outside, and was outside during the squall) might've gotten hurt, since I couldn't...
Triangle! Power is back up, BTW. Nobody injured, found my cat in the garage.
****! My power just went out. No moar Exbawkz. Luckily, the backup generator kicked in, and now I'm able to send you all this message.
Hmm... I wonder if people will still be able to see you if you're using camo.
Yeah. I wouldn't mind talking anyway, lol. Plus, we could do it over some ODST and get lost in New Mombassa again.
1058 GET! noncapola.