Jeez, how did I forget about coolboarders!? :l Also, AGE OF EMPIRES. That is all.
[IMG] Didn't play this much, but was a great game. [IMG] I played this a lot, this was an epic game :D
Yeah why not.
Son.. I am disappoint.
That and whisky.. :D
2 words.. POTATO BOMB! You following? :D
Ahah okay, I only like to offer people what I have because I hate editing in raster. Everything I do now is in vector :D VECTOR MAD YUNO!! :D
Yeah go ahead. Would you like the vector file?
Ujelly? [IMG]
Hey, check your TG thread, ASAP please. Thanks.
[IMG] Nostalgia, you lose.
Haha, you don't realize how much this guy somes up reddit.. -.- YouTube - Reddit Mumble - Griefing Aftermath
YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods
That's the exact reaction they are wanting. It's called trolling. The reason they are doing it is because reddit thinks they are untrollable, but...
Anyone watching the team aVo videos? They're attacking the reddit servers, and they're all like "U mad reddit?". But really, it's pretty funny :P
Wait.. Their douches because they humiliated you on a game? They probably were just boosting their K/D. BTW, all gamers are trolls, you posting...
Please read the rules. I deleted your request thread because it didn't comply at all. You're free to repost it when you have read the said rules.
Please don't add testing dates to your thread title, thanks. :)
I'd like a sub-forum for minecraft, but if you look at the content of this thread it's usually spammy as ****, ohh okay then, lets make a thread...