I had to make a .BAT file to make it so I could actually login. If I launch it straight through java, it doesn't seem to have networking O.o But I...
U jelly?
Umm hi
BBCODE FAIL![/quote] *trollface.jpg*
Wait.. You think Mojang is going to pay for peoples servers? Pfft!
There's one hosting company that does 2 slots free. But there's no ****ing plugins installed. Kind of defeats the point!
I lold hard.. YouTube - Minecraft Fragmovie [FIRST EVER] lol | Fnzzy
Didn't I reply to this question in your PM? Nm. You need to gain a rank of loyal to receive the Testers Guild title. You will also receive a...
Yeah go ahead. I'll try answer as best I can :)
It takes a while to code fluently in big languages like java, have you just started today or have you got previous knowledge?
Ahh it's k, and cool :D
I beg to differ. I agree with the comment about that texture pack being laughably ugly, but high res texture packs can be pretty nice as long as...
I hope you guys use the latest bukkit snapshot. That **** is immense!
Don't mind me, Just playing with some tables.. 11122233
On second thoughts, don't make the accounts, I'll have to make them for security reasons. Sorry :(
Saw this on reddit last week. Posted in shoutbox, but no one watched it. *foreveralone.jpg* Ha, yeah it is very interesting, but if one person...
Yeah, twas me that posted it. (I think)
Sorry I don't know you, I'll accept your F/R if I know who you are.
I do tend to "run my mouth" when il-informed know it alls act like they actually know ****. The guy has been round for a month and seems to think...
Any of you rebels play this game? [IMG]