Ohai :P
Nou noob!
what section of "60 fps" games are you wanting to discus? In another thread where it was argued, 60fps is better ( ¬.¬ ) I pointed out that 60FPS...
Are you talking about RAM preview? If it's anything like After Effects, you can lower the preview quality and make it skip frames, which increases...
Everyone is forgetting the technology factors involved. It takes a lot more GPU power to process double the amount of FPS, this means that double...
Isn't 30 FPS the speed at which your eyes cannot process anymore frames anyway? Or is that 60? Either way, who gives a flying ****? Really COD? ¬.¬
Stop bitching, the pistons are used in a non stupid way, you guys are way too used to the easy piston life ;p
Me and Dave the rave helped with this: YouTube - Minecraft Timelapse - Floating Island and Village‏ :D
Fun isn't created by just realism, but some aspects of realism will obviously be fun, it's human nature to enjoy some of the stuff. ALSO: [IMG]
@Rusty, I was stating an opinion about film media being much more popular than game media, which is starting to change atm (Possibly due to the...
HAHA I WAS WRONG BUT YOU'RE A MORON FOR BEING RIGHT! You ****ing serious? Just because you have a twisted opinion on games and I call you out for...
Looks like Matty & Rusty need to stfu now. :) I watched this **** live, was so giddy after :P
BENWUHDAY! :3 Thanks Jakeypie! :D
Thanks Bloo! :D
Thanks Neo ;)
Thanks LD :3
Yeah it was good fun! Just need some more FH members.. :P
What error do you get in the console?
Wooh when did you get admin!? I've never seen you on this site in my life!!
Hah, I met the co-owner of miningbros in an interesting Skype call, I thought I had recognized his name, did a bit of searching and worked out he...