I got the PC demo today and I am experiencing some lag. What's the best settings to make it run fastest. Also, it's pretty fun. Aside from the...
I just want to train them bro. I need a good moveset and they're just event pokemon so I have no idea about the IVs.
Eric, I have a 64x64 room. I might build that.
I've got the shiny Suicune and Celebi to train. I need to know some good moves for them and what skill to EV train. Here's the deets: Suicune -...
That's why I started my own server. So much chill.
Here's an awesome seed I found. Stuff is in the video description. YouTube - The Caves
Oh I see you there.
Dude, guise, ekans.
OR... Vindur.
It has to mean something that references drugs. Like Vindur, Icelandic for wind.
nah man, nah. Vindur.
Dude, vindur. That's sounds so chill, to me.
Go back in time to get lottery numbers. Win. Buy and island. Buy a robot factory. Find Atlantis. Wage nuclear war with those air-breathers (did I...
I have an almost identical computer and I do as well experience some major lag. Beta 1.3 actually very much boosted my speed though. Try updating...
Well these days a lot of men have larger breasts than some women.
Grif, that guy has bewbs.
I have but I don't remember it but it does seem very similar to waker.
There's no reason to question that.
That reminds me, I need gas.