\o ohai.
What games?
You have to beat the game to transfer from older DS games, if that's what you meant. But trading with other players is after you get the first gym...
Anyone here have Magicka? This game is ****ing impossible single player.
I got the tepig and vullaby, you ready to trade now?
I guess I'll go catch another vullaby for one of those starters. I'm doing elite four, so more wait is necessary.
Ya, I'd like both, I can give you a tepig but I don't know what else. I still need to get the tepig egg; I got bored and watched a movie.
Hey would anyone be willing to breed their snivy or oshawott, I'll breed my tepig. Chron, Archen's evolved form can learn fly. It evolves at 37.
Alright, my code is in my sig and I'm waiting in the room.
I'll get you its first evolution for a Throh.
I'll take a ruffle, my friend code is in my sig. I'm in a town right now, so I'll be waiting in the Wi-fi room (middle person), once I get your code.
Inferi, I can get you a vullaby just trade me a white exclusive pokemon.
I've got an extra vullaby if anyone wants one, but I going to need a Rufflet or Braviary. I also have a Zorua, but I'm going to need a really good...
I'm so misunderstood.
Forgot about this one: [IMG] Shoots eggs then the chicken either flap away from danger or fall into lava. Sometimes there's feathers there....
Hey dude, are you still doing sigs?
You wanna punch a lot of trees so you can get some wood. Then make a pickaxe a shovel. Dig a hole in a mountain. Make a door. Live safely....
Far Cry 2's ending was stupid as hell and the story was kinda lame. [spoiler]
I'll just leave this here... Drops: Skeletons - Bones, arrows Zombies - feathers Creepers - sulphur Spiders - string Everything you need to...
Hey- Sorry, wrong thread.