OHAY THANKS!~ Mining bros blows now. I'm jailed for kicking the staff out of the community skype room. Like, why wouldn't you make someone that is...
(Lazy copy-pasta) I have been working on a Pro bending arena (Will be calling it the PBA from now on). I originally built it on my laptop, but now...
The last movie I went and seen was Warm Bodies. It was an okay movie, but don't expect traditional zombies. Its supposed to be a blend of...
If you haven't been on the Mining bros server lately, please join and tell me what you think, or you could just read what I have posted HERE and...
You act hard but you play halo making shitty commentaries, saying racist slang terms that you would never say in public around that race. You act...
John Madden
Its because the plug-and-play is supposed to have an actual batterypack.
Probably a short in the wire near the controller or near the plug. Or possibly the plug on the xbox went out. Have you tried to other ports?
Is that gun any good? Same with the DLC, Any good?
Uh. you were totally making yourself throw up. Fake and Gay
With the new update, are people having trouble loading vidoes?
Could we get a closer look at the structure? Looks pretty sick.
None of your images are working. You just need the link to the image itself with the image brackets around the outside of it. You're trying to...
So... Any news if Rocket Race/ Rocket Hog Race will be implemented in later?
The lead Zombies director (_rez_) tweeted back at a guy asking if there was more after The tower of Babble, with a simple "Yes."...
I haven't finished Tranzit's easter eggs, such as the Tower of Bable, but a bunch of youtubers are saying that it was kinda left with a ton of...
So with this New DLC for zombies, what about TranZit? I was kinda hoping for more routes for the bus and whatnot..
Seems like that guy is trying to be more like this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bg4yRcu4M No competition