So it never opens at all? Sounds like a PC prob, not MC Also, in 1.5, I've had mobs go through my nether portal and camp it in the nether....
What a bad ass you are
Nice! Looks good! :D Thanks a ton
Kinda confused, You mean the server list? The reason why they stopped working is because they are running an older version of minecraft [IMG]...
1.5 is out!
Watsky- Tiny Glowing Screens Pt 2 - YouTube Watsky- Hey, Asshole ft. Kate Nash [available on iTunes!] - YouTube Yeah, I've heard of him, never...
I was talking to this ***** about her kinks. She said "I'll do almost anything when it comes to sex." I responded with "Anal?" She said "No, I'd...
Oh, I had Stadium too. I don't believe I've played Coliseum? EDIT: And my cousin had Hey you, Pikachu... but yeah.. I don't think that counts.....
I don't understand kid does his mom thats all i got
I had Blue, Yellow, and Silver. AND POKEMON MOTHA ****IN SNAP YO.
I started with... blue..? OG RIGHT HEAW
The Challenge: The Little Mermaid.
Nah, I know enough about pokemon. Twas but a joke. Except she was really hot. But I really hope X and Y have better pokemon.. after the second...
There was a super hot chick working at gamestop today, and she was talking about Pokemon X and Y. Please, Teach me the knowledge of these pokemanz.
Toootally forgot about Shutter island. Thats a good one.
Oh, Looper is a fantastic mind-**** if you haven't seen it. Not as hardcore of a mind**** as inception or Donnie Darko, but still pretty amazing.
Donnie Darko. Heh. Its a mind ****.
D: Quit stalking me.
There are no "Real Elements" in Minecraft Pro Bending. Waterbenders get a Bow(Infinity enchant) and Arrow, Earthbenders get Snowballs, which are...
So I just watched Donnie Darko for the first time the other day. A long time ago back in highschool, an Ex said it was her favorite movie, and I...