As someone else said, the fusion coil row doesn't look good and the bottom is very open for a non-vehicle map. A map like this would probably...
[COLOR=black] This is 100% of the reason why I will never make an MLG map. No fun at all... Not saying anything against those who do like...
Thanks, that makes sense. Anyway, I found my own solution. If you put just one starting point for each team, then in team games the other...
I know that, when I said spawn I meant spawning at the beginning of the game (a.k.a. start). Someone please answer the actual question.
When you put starting points into a slayer/Koth/oddball gametype, when you're trying to configure for FFA as well as team, shouldn't players in a...
Very nice job with the interlocking and base design, both bases look clean and fair for gameplay. The middle tower also looks solid (maybe flip...
Awesome, good to see that you took my advice, makes me feel like I accomplished something somehow. Anyway, enough with the selfishness, the...
I believe you have a few too many short range power weapons for such a small map. Take out either the sword, flamethrower, or maulers. And move...
No, the switch works perfectly, and there's no problem spawning the second gravlift on top. It just doesn't spin perfectly (which isn't your...
Yea, I got the same problem as Fillmore with the gravlift rotating for only a second or so before getting stuck. So, I did the only logical thing:...
Well if you put fusion coils on top of it wouldn't they just go flying off? Anyway, I'll DL and have a look at this, see if I can't make...
I like my weapon randomizer better...(coming soon) JK, this is a great find though, I didn't know that putting multiple weapon holders caused...
It's back. For more publicity. Sorry if this is too much of a bump-ish post for y'all, but I haven't had too much feedback to work with, and I...
If you need a cliff for the "leap of faith", you could use rat's nest or standoff. Both have enough immovable objects you could float to make...
It's pretty much already done, just need to put spawns/objectives in and test it out. I guarantee it's much more than the mechanism itself. Also...
Yea, I hate the money limit for foundry cause I always seem to be like 50$ short and have to go about figuring out how to make the whole thing...
You have a typo in the thread title. Arena maps are frowned upon in general, and I see nothing different here. You have a whole bunch of blank...
My first opinion of the map is that the middle structure looks stunning but the outside is a bit lackluster. The interlocking in the upper level,...
I'm guessing that you got the switch inspiration from Pallet Parade, as it looks very similar. Anyway, the implementation of the switch looks...