I was more directing my comment at PJFan than at you Pegasi, but I figured that I'd quote as much as possible to make what I was trying to say...
'Scuse me for arguing the point, but what the hell does "bad weapons" mean? In what way are weapons such as the laser, fuel rod, and sentinel...
Don't turn this into some sort of a religious debate. I do think that TC putting the whole "I'm a Christian" bold/red part into his post was...
Great map, made me see how much I fail at jumping. Congrats to deathtoll and ninja for putting some life back into the minigame genre. I could go...
Delete your films and film clips, they count the same as maps. Also check how many unnecessary gametypes you have, they count in the limit as well.
Rep is like ***** size. The majority of people are obsessed with it. They will go to unnecessary lengths just to increase it. They constantly...
That could be decieving. Posts in Off-Topic don't count toward total postcount, so they could have 470 in Off-Topic and 30 in the rest of the...
Eh? I think that the English language has frowned in your general direction... Plasmas are a safe choice for the majority of maps, especially...
Hey, about damn time you finally posted this, I guess that a month of testing plays out well in the long run, so congrats to you for having the...
As I said in the other thread... They aren't truly broken, but they link to the comments page instead of the main DL/rate page. People following...
They aren't truly broken, but they link to the comments page instead of the main DL/rate page. People following the old links will have to click...
If you need any extra help, I'll help y'all out. But it seems like you've got a pretty full list already, so don't worry if you can't fit me in...
Wish I could submit my newest map, but it's not symmetric...so instead... Map Name: Enigma Number of Players: 4-10 Link to Map: <Right Here>
Youtube vid is back up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3MObgyzdos&fmt=18 The Youtube vid only seems to embed in normal quality, so follow...
If this was a mapmaking test, and the scoring was based nothing on mapmaking but on how much you fail at creating coherent sentences, I would give...
Lol, the irony here is immense.
Eagles had a relatively hard schedule to start ('Boys, Steelers, Bears), so I don't have any doubts that they'll get into the playoffs (probably...
The aesthetics and originality on this map are stunning. The whole earthquake/hurricane idea has been done before but in such a unique and...
First, a couple things: 1. The current caption contest winner is jakemadk...., post your best captions to replace his quote with yours and earn...
Accidently posted twice. Mods please lock this version (the one without the poll).