Well i made mine maybe you could join me and take a look at it ....
Haha ! For this man you can have more than one 3some with me and my girlfriend ! Anyway I like alot this map, simple layout , play well , and a...
Haha ! Sounds interesting !
Will you do mine ?
Does this map have a roof ? If yes cool ! Also like the way you included water .
I joined your game yesterday ....... Looks nice ! The way the map is made make me fell like im playing gears of war ...... If you need any kind of...
Map Name : Cellophane Map Picture : [IMG] Forge Hub Thread :...
I Made exactly the same things ! You should ad me and i will show you it . GT: Frenchys
Call it Marvelous Zow The Cow !
Ok i'll do it tonight !
i Think that you phase objective are to much closer to each other ..... Did you test it ? If yes nevermind this comment .
I have alot of started and unfinished map ...... you should help ! Gt: Frenchys
Well .... you post it ! As apreview .... but you post it ! Anyway ..... i think we should work on it tomorrow .... Also i didint made spawn ........
Well thank you alot Sora ! i hope we can have a game on it this weekend . Edited by merge: Ok yes i see i will delete them becuase i have...
No ! Hahaha . This map is way more better for spawn than my other ones . Edited by merge: Spawn are now fixed* and way more better than before...
Well maybe i will take off the laser for the only reason that i owned everyone with that laser on this map ! And yes , everyone fell in love...
Cellophane is a map I created for CTF, 2v2 and 4v4, and of course can also hold Slayer. It's unique for the several tunnels and hallways, the main...
This .
Reminds me a Halo CE map .....or a Halo 2 map .... Dont remember the name . Looks good for a High Noon map. Looks well forge too . I will...
I can give a try and show you couples of my maps . Gt: Frenchys