2 words to discribe this amazing Masterpiece map : The Pit . It reminds me alot the pit .. you made a grat job on this . Download .
Midle look to much open for me . But the whole map is amazing .
i think i have some ...... join my game when you will have the time .
On the second pictures ..... the way you used 3x3 Flats for the staircase corner is just ugly . These maps are great !
Be sure ^
I dont know if you would be open to let me do stuff on it (try to make the map texture better ) My Gt: Frenchys
Keep the grtid .... its original . Nobody use grid for map floor and you are the first one . When it willbe finish invite me for just walk...
I made that ? We should try to make it open .
I made some change : No more covy crate . I keep the covy Barrier at Hammer spawn , Add cover we it need . Change lift desisng , and i made all...
It looks a bit to open on the pictures :2 and 4 . At all looks good and good job on the aestethic !
Well we should play on it tonight and you will see the new change i made on it .
When did you post this comment ? Mmmmm..... Dou you realize that we just fix the framerate ? Do you realize that the gameplay is better ? You...
For adding structure ..... My budget is at 0 .... maybe you could join my game and play with the pieces . Thanks everyone for comments :)
This is my lastest project , a 2v2/1v1 map . I need a name ..... If you want to test it my GT is Frenchys . [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Wow man this is amazing ! Looks great , not to open and if you want to test it invite me .... Also it looks like a gears of war map ......
Cella - APK
Map looks great , i will download it and try a couple game on it with friends and give you more feedback on FH or XBL . Also for your roof you can...
Preview are supposed to be post in the Halo Reach Forge Disscusion .
I made a castle map and i can show it to you so you will have an idea for building your map .