Savage Download the map to see how it looks , Im too lazy to give you pictures ! NEVERMIND [IMG]...
Behemoth Astra Crosswalk
Yeah , Iwas looking to the map pictures and than I saw your Dock map you forge a bit ago, I think he get inspired a bit to much from your map :)...
I still have the map and we can spawn without any problems !
Invite so we can test out mine and yours ! (You gonna win both of them)
Fore me El Trocity is the best Infection Forger i Know ! He get so original idea (The warthogs garage is awsome .) Also i guest this is going to...
The whole map looks cool, The middle platform , and the back area with the multiple balcony BUT the only things is lighting. I know that we are...
Im not very interested about playing a Sym 1v1 map , Also why Grenade launcher with sprint at the same location ?
Wow its done ! I would like to have a game on it ! Did you keep Zatherla and I Easter eggs ?
Forge Hub = Clan Base Map website . You Non-Forgers Stop asking for us to make a clan or boot camp map , do it yourself or find someone in your...
Change the name , There is already a map Called Oracle .
Gameplay before and Aesthetics After (Both) Player like a map that play well and look well .
Wow How you make that ? I mean it's amazing ! I can see you made Blue Base , Red Base , Blue Tunnel and a bit of the SDniper Tower . Keep On...
You Should Wait For Halo 4 to come out , it will be more interesting .
Wow It change alot from last week ! Looks more clean and better to play ! I liked alot to work around with you for 20 minutes and see how this...
Same thing for me if i know there was a contest I would have applied for sure .
Can i come and help around with You and Kaos ? Im EST to .
Haha im clad to see you like that post :)
Elite Warrior Have nothing to do with this post man STFU . Aesthetics are the clue for a good Clan Base , so Hunter can help alot :)
If you need help during the build , Invite me : Frenchys