Aside from all of the random power weapons, making it practically fiesta, the game was filled with nothing but AR warriors spewing bullets that...
Huh.. if it's anything like Halo CE for Mac, it will cost you $100 for something incredibly outdated. :P
What I really don't get about Waypoint is why did it take them so long to realize that Halo 4 is incredibly casual? Before GDC, every person to...
So 343's GDC Pannel pissed off all of Waypoint, which I'm kinda glad to see because, for once, I'm not seeing butthurt fanboys spew **** through...
I thought this was a pretty funny moment on Halo 4. I had a Warthog right in my hands and then my team's Mantis decided WTF Mantis!?...
Ok, it's insanely cool that they added a greenscreen object.
Made a lobby, you can sign up here. Side note: I'd love it if someone could check over the BTB maps that will be playing so that the games aren't...
Hmmm alright. Maybe remove Sticky Det, put rockets there, put laser where original rockets were? I keep their timers at 180 and give the rockets...
Ok, so here is my version of Longbow 2.0, tell me what you think. All of the power weapon spawns are based off of initial drops on the normal...
Alright. For Ragnarok, should I take the Mantis out from each base? With those gone, however, I can't think of much that would oppose the...
New TU Details The first and last options seem interesting. Also, I guess I'll have to stop abusing camo and go back to PV.
So, I'll mess around with a bunch of the default BTB maps and add weapons. If I make a custom lobby for this, I advise anyone else to make their...
Very nice quickscoping, sir.
Plenty of places. I think the worst is Wreckage; that sun makes it SO hard to see an entire half of the map, consisting of one team's base area.
It's a blessing and a curse, IMO. It looks really cool when you make structures that aren't way too intricate, but when you make maps that are...
It's pretty ridiculous how you can turn the tide of the entire game from getting 10 assists and then rolling a dice and getting a randomized...
I guess it's a bit late, but I also noticed this on flag carriers in Majestic Team DLC. I didn't play much, but I'd assume the same went for hill...
Ordnance is poop. Loadouts are poop. Automatic weapons are not poop, which is why gameplay is poop. The idea of boltshots is poop.