Because "shitty" isn't relative at all. And a comparison chart between the XB1 and a Brick isn't exactly a meme. Nevertheless, I'm sure everyone...
Butthurt ITT Seriously, post one more joke and the response will cause this thread to devolve to YouTube-Comments-Console-Wars tier retarded....
Halo 4 Matchmaking Update: 6.17.13
That feel when 343 adds a community member's modded gametype to Action Sack, says no one outside 343 staff (and "lucky" visitors) has played it,...
It's called a joke; they're pretty common on the internet.
I'm probably going to go PS4: I'm not going to buy an entire console over one game if it's just going to be a massive disappointment, plus most of...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Hey guys, cmon. At least the cloak feels like Halo.
Yiss: [media] Also: FKN LOL: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Wii Fit Trainer Joins the Battle! - YouTube
EDIT: Whoops, COMPLETELY wrong thread. Stupid multiple tabs xD Xbox: 1 Playstation: 4 I think Xbox just lost SO much of their supporters.
That new teaser looked beyond the realm of pants-on-head retarded.
343 is too headstrong to think that anyone would want to play anything other than Infinity Slayer in BTB, especially when it is the #1 playlist...
I felt like making a 3D version of Hatty Hattington (from BattleBlock Theater) yesterday, thought it would take like 30 mins, and it ended up...
My browser said that your server sent no data, so I couldn't open it, but it looks sick! Does the Highest CSR just keep track of your current...
Happy birthday, you ****ing ***** ass waste of space loser McMeaniepants.
That trailer was unbelievably sick, but they made the titan look like a useless *****.
Pretty cool concept, but I would try blurring the shadows a bit and doing something that makes Calvin & Hobbs blend a bit better with the...
This makes me think of how sad it is that I've barely played with anyone here, and how the absences of so many people have just went right over my...