New YT vid is up. :P
Yo, this is just one of the most awesometacular intros ever... :D Just sayin' :P
The basic design of my 1v1 map stands.
This Hide CSR ranks until in match to de-incentivize quitting Punish quitters with CSR penalties and matchmaking bans is important. Quitters...
I'll just drop this here for ya: [MEDIA] Maybe it helps some people. Combining this with the FH 1v1 gametype requirements and weapon timers could...
The Bridge of Khazad-dum is finished. Check the description for the 'link'.
Something like Brimstone in the 1v1 contest? :P
That sounds awesome!! I am going to participate for sure.... This is just too good.
For all of you that want to know a little bit more about the name: Repudium is Latin and means "exile" in English. I wanted to give the player the...
Nooo oo. Halotracker says everything. Grow up! I won't reply anymore, all that agressive posing and immaturity...
Pretty immature... I have a neutral opinion on Greenskull. I don't know much about him.
HaloTracker doesn't lie. :p
What? I didn't say *anything* about Greenskull! I said "after I watched his 'videos' ", that's a huge difference. The extra information from the...
Exactly! Btw Doju, butthurt? Wow... That's great.
HaloFollower is cancer. I couldn't care less about your "I-have-the-best-opinion-about-Halo-all-others-suck" statement, Doju. Get over it: Halo...
My changed view on H5 so far after I watched Greenskull's videos: [IMG]
Repudium mox confectum erit.
Jump heights in H2A! Check it out. ;)